Provide Quality Patient Care With Up-to-Date Medical Equipment

As you set out to obtain the most up-to-date medical equipment for your practice, you have several different options: financing, leasing or cash payment. Each of these has its own unique benefits.

Among the greatest benefits of medical equipment leasing is the fact that it enables you to keep up higher standards of quality in the care you give to your patients. Because you are able to more easily upgrade to new, up-to-date equipment, your patients can rest easy knowing that they will constantly have access to top-of-the-line technology through your practice.

Medical leasing doesn’t only cover equipment, either. For example, the kinds of EMR (electronic medical records) software alone that you can benefit from through leasing is a huge benefit to any private medical facility. This software helps you to more efficiently keep track of all of your patients and their needs. Any medical records that you need can be accessed and updated instantly, which will save you a significant amount of hassle in your administrative tasks wholesale mlb jerseys that you need to complete on a regular basis. When new software versions come out, you can easily upgrade.

Financing your equipment and software is a great long-term option if you have machinery or equipment that does not go Jamal Adams authentic jersey out-of-date quickly. For example, you may choose to finance pieces of expensive office furniture or other equipment upgrades to your facility because you know you will be using and owning them for many years. It wouldn’t make sense to lease this type of equipment, as you won’t upgrade nearly as often.

Cash payments are a great option for less expensive pieces wholesale nfl jerseys of equipment as they will help you to avoid paying interest and going through the approval process required for financing. This is also optimal for equipment of software that you know you will be using for long periods of time. The down side is that you may have to take a chunk out of your savings to make the initial payment.

At Fidelity Capital, we provide full financing and leasing services for soft costs. Contact us today for more information about how your medical facility can benefit from our services.

The Emergence of Cloud Computing in the IT World

If you have at all followed the technological advances in business (particularly the IT industry) over the last few years, chances are you’ve become familiar with cloud computing. Today, cloud computing has emerged as one of the top resources for companies of all types. But how and why did it become such a force in today’s technological world?

Here are some of the factors that have played the biggest role in the emergence of cloud computing:

  • Cost. In the olden days of data storage and electronic communications, it cost quite a bit of cash to obtain the server hardware needed to run a company of any significant size. Cloud computing has made it easier to obtain more capacity for these issues than ever before at extremely low prices. Businesses have always been looking for ways to operate with a leaner budget, especially since the recession of several years ago. Cloud computing has been one of the easiest ways to make that possible.
  • Scalability. Because you don’t have to worry about lugging around hardware whenever you’re looking to make an upgrade, it is far easier to scale up with cloud computing. All you need to do is contact your provider and change your service plan.
  • Globalization. Businesses are becoming more globalized than ever before, which makes it extremely important for executives to be able to stay in constant communication. Cloud computing allows for instant communication and sharing of cheap jerseys files from anywhere in the world, as well as on-the-go access to important files and documents from anywhere in the world that has an internet connection.
  • Productivity. Cloud computing allows multiple users to work on the same file, document or project at once while being able to instantly see other changes made to the file. This has improved productivity in businesses of all types.
  • Data protection. When used as a backup service, the cloud is an easy way to prevent catastrophic data loss in the event of a malicious network attack, a power outage or natural disaster.

Today, “the cloud” is used by a wholesale jersey tremendous amount of people in a wide variety of ways, and it has completely changed the way that many industries operate. For more information about how cloud computing can transform your business, we encourage you to contact us today at Fidelity Capital.

The Fidelity Capital “Culture Code”

The lending industry has a particular culture code that varies slightly depending on the lending institution you approach. At Fidelity Capital, we have our own version of the culture code made up of five different components. Each of these five factors enables us to provide the best possible service to our clients. Here are the five components of our “culture code:” 1) A thirst for knowledge Fidelity Capital has the knowledge you need to find outstanding service in fields such as medical, technology, manufacturing, transportation and construction. Whatever kind of equipment you need, we have the ability to get it to you quickly and easily thanks to our in-depth knowledge of each of these industries. 2) A reliable source of information It is our goal to provide the same high-quality service for every single client that comes to Fidelity Capital. Our sales and administration staffs are made up of people with positive, winning attitudes, and we strongly believe that we can get any project or deal done for our clients. This belief manifests itself in the outstanding results that we provide time after time. Simply put, our attitudes, processes, service and experience make us an extremely reliable choice for equipment financing. 3) Outstanding innovation featuring new methods, advanced and original Most people who approach lenders do so with a legitimate fear that their application will not be approved. However, the way that Fidelity Capital has established its processes and lender relationships means that we are able to use more creative approaches to getting the job done for you. Every time you come to Fidelity Capital, you can be sure that you’re going to get what you need. 4) Great team work featuring a number of persons associated in some joint action Our staff comprises remarkable, enthusiastic people with sales and administrative backgrounds, all of whom take their work and your satisfaction extremely seriously. This enables us to work with a seamless process so we can get you the equipment you need when you need it. 5) A fast-paced process We understand that once you’ve made the decision to finance or lease your equipment, you want to be able to get it as soon as possible. Our processes ensure that you can come away with the equipment you need quickly and easily at prices that you can afford. This is the Fidelity Capital culture code, and we are proud to uphold it with every project we take on for our clients. Contact us today for more information about equipment leasing or to get started with our services.

What to Consider Before Taking Out a Small Business Loan

Many small businesses cheap jerseys take out loans to help them expand in their early stages. Getting that influx of cash at just the right time can help you to keep your business operations going strong and give cheap jerseys China you the ability to support your own expansion.

However, the choice to take out a small business loan is not one that you should make without careful consideration. Remember: you’re going to wholesale nhl jerseys need to pay back that loan at some point, so you need to have a good sense of your ability to do so in the future before you decide to commit to a loan.

Here are a few things to consider before you decide to take out a loan for your small business:

  • Your credit score. Your credit score will be one of the main cheap jerseys factors that lenders look at before determining whether or not you’ll be approved for your loan application. Before you apply anywhere, get a credit report (there are websites where you can do this for free) and analyze it. If there are any errors, make sure that you contact your credit agency to resolve the problem. A good credit score is generally considered to be above 700, which gives you a better chance of getting a low-interest loan.
  • Know how much money you need. If you aren’t exactly sure what your financial needs are, you may consider working with an accountant or financial advisor. Thoroughly document your expenses, what you wish to purchase with loan money and the goals that you have for the future of your organization. Be prepared to discuss all of this with potential lenders.
  • Research your options. There are a wide variety of lender types that you will need to look into before making your decision. There are traditional lenders, such as banks cheap jerseys cheap nhl jerseys China and credit unions, and many nontraditional lenders as well. wholesale nhl jerseys Investigate wholesale jerseys China all of the options at your disposal before making any decisions about who you will borrow money from.
  • Know there’s a chance you’ll get turned down. Getting denied on your loan application is not the end of the world; based on the reasons for denial, you will understand where you need to improve on your application before you try the next time. It can be a tedious process, but the end result will be worth it for your business.

For more information about what types of factors you should take into consideration before applying for your small business loan, contact us today at Fidelity Capital. We are pleased to assist you.

The Importance of Using Mobile Technology for Your Small Business

Mobile technology and mobile web use has become so prevalent that some people would argue that we are now living in a post-PC world. While this might be going a bit far, it’s clear that the use of mobile technology in business is more widespread than ever before, and it’s only continuing to grow. Therefore, your small business needs to be able to adapt to the mobile world if you hope to keep up. Here are some of the biggest reasons that mobile technology is so important in today’s business environment, both from a sales and logistics standpoint: 1. More people than ever are using mobile devices to access the internet. It’s an undeniable fact: a growing percentage of web traffic is coming from  mobile devices like smart phones and tablets. According to a recent study, in 2012, more than 240 million people accessed the internet through personal computers. That number is expected to drop nearly 20 million by 2016, while the amount of mobile users is expected to jump by 100 million in that time. 2. More people than ever are buying items online from mobile devices. The most recent estimates indicate that approximately 20% of all online business transactions occur via mobile devices, and some experts believe that this number could quickly jump to more than 50% by 2017. Therefore, it is important that businesses make it easy for their customers to make purchases from mobile devices. 3. A lot of social media usage is from mobile devices. Social media apps are perhaps the most popular apps on iPhones and Androids, and a large chunk of social media browsing is now performed from mobile devices. With the popularity of these apps making social media marketing even more important, it’s imperative that your business is able to capitalize with an excellent social media marketing campaign. 4. It improves communication within companies. Companies that distribute smart phones or tablets to their employees have shown to have much greater intra-company communication. In an age where constant communication is extremely important for the flexibility and adaptability of a business, the importance of this benefit cannot be understated. 5. It allows for standardization within a business.  If you give out the same mobile devices to all of your employees, it is much easier to standardize the types of programs and apps that you use to conduct business for your company. The last two points are particularly important; not only are mobile devices growing in importance for marketing purposes, but also for actually conducting business. At Fidelity Capital, we provide financing for businesses in need of mobile devices. Contact us today for more information about obtaining these devices at a reasonable price.

How to Eliminate Unnecessary Spending at Your Business

As a small business owner,  you understand exactly how important it is to maintain control over your finances. However, it’s extremelyeasy to slip into some bad financial habits and spend money that you don’t necessarily need to. These little decisions can add up over time, causing you some major financial distress down the road. Here are some tips on how you can avoid bad spending decisions with your business and maintain good financial health:

  • Purchase only the things your business truly needs. Sure, it might be nice to throw out money for lunches for your employees or to spend money on the latest tablets, computers and other gadgets. But how many of these things are really necessary to run your business? Especially when you’re first getting started off with your small business, you need to keep expenses to a minimum to ensure that you can make a profit. Only buy what you need for your business operations and for your employees to efficiently get their work done.
  • Shop smartly. Of course, there are some types of expenses that you can’t avoid, including rent, supplies for your office, internet service, electricity and other types of payments. Be sure to shop around for these services so that you can get the best prices available. Chances are you’ll be able to find some money-saving deals on at least a few of your regular expenses. Also, don’t be afraid to ask your regular suppliers or vendors for discounts; these companies often are more likely to give deals to faithful clients.
  • Engage in online marketing. Rather than putting most of your advertising spending into print, television or radio, focus your marketing on the internet. It is significantly less expensive and studies have shown that it is likely more effective as well. Get a good-looking website, regularly update a blog and engage with customers on social media.
  • Finance your equipment. Purchasing furniture, computer hardware, vehicles and machinery can be extremely expensive, especially if you have to take out a loan and deal with high interest charges. Instead, consider leasing your equipment. You don’t have to worry about the rapid depreciation of the equipment and it’s extremely easy to upgrade whenever you are ready to do so.

For more financial tips and information about leasing your business equipment, contact us today at Fidelity Capital.

The Benefits of Leasing Medical Equipment

Many healthcare organizations put off getting the most up-to-date medical equipment that they need, because the price of purchasing that equipment is simply too high. This has been a particularly significant issue in recent years, thanks to the economic downturn. However, equipment leasing may be the best answer for your medical organization. It allows many healthcare networks to get the equipment that they need to provide the best possible patient care while still being conservative with their funds. Here are some of the greatest benefits of leasing medical equipment:

  •  Tax benefits. The IRS does not count some leases as purchases, and instead considers them to be tax-deductible overhead expenses. Therefore, there is a good chance that you will be able to deduct lease payments from income, reducing the net expense of your lease.
  • Flexibility. As your healthcare facility grows and its needs continually change, you will need to be flexible enough to upgrade your equipment at a moment’s notice. The terms of your lease may allow you to upgrade or add equipment at any time during the term of the lease.
  • Avoid depreciation. Major healthcare equipment depreciates quickly. Rather than purchasing it and feeling like you have to hold on to this rapidly depreciating equipment long after it has any value, you can get it for a certain period of time under a lease for much less money.
  • Improved money forecasts. When healthcare facilities choose to lease their equipment, they can much more accurately predict their cash requirements because they know the amount and value of the payments they will have to make. There are no additional floating or surprise fees that come with equipment leasing that you need to worry about.
  • Easier than loans. Leases allow healthcare facilities to avoid having to deal with large down payments, reviews of client lists, cash flow projections and other complications, which makes the entire process significantly faster and easier on the facility.
  • Speed. Applications for leases can be approved within a few hours, rather than the significant amount of time it can take for a loan to get approved.

For more information about medical equipment leasing, we encourage you to contact us today at Fidelity Capital. We are happy to answer any questions that you have about our services!

Emerging Technologies & Their Impact on Businesses

If you run your own small business, it’s important to stay on the cutting edge of technology to take advantage of opportunities to become more efficient and keep yourself ahead of the competition. Doing so gives you much greater adaptability and flexibility with your business, which is especially important if your company is just getting off the ground or in a period of rapid growth. The following are a few of the technologies that we’re likely to see become even more important to small businesses throughout 2014. We encourage you to think about which of these technologies you’re already making use of, and if there are any opportunities for you to increase their use. Cloud technology Cloud-based software has been rapidly growing in use over the last couple of years, and you can expect that growth to continue in 2014. It is both flexible and scalable, and allows you to have access to a significant amount of storage space without having to purchase additional computer servers or hard drivers. Plus, you can then access this information anywhere at any time from any device that has Internet access. You no longer need to worry about using flash drives or CDs to make your information portable. Mobile devices The technology used in mobile devices continues to evolve, and they have become increasingly important in the business world. Devices such as smart phones and tablets have changed the way that small businesses operate. Today, these devices are built to have better software, better Internet capabilities, longer battery lives and bigger, more responsive screens. With their help, you and your employees can conduct business from anywhere at any time. Social networks Social networks themselves aren’t exactly new, but the tools used to glean information from them are becoming more sophisticated. Some of these networks have their own built-in analytics systems used to track engagement data from followers. They also have newer, more up-to-date advertising systems in place to give businesses a better chance at reaching their target audiences. Now more than ever, businesses can use social media to get a true insight into what their customers think about their brands. This year, make a commitment to using these technologies to further enhance your operations as a business. The longer you wait to get started, the more you risk falling behind. If you need to explore financing options, don’t hesitate to contact the experienced team at Fidelity Capital.